home Gadgets, Wearables Garmin renews its Vivotech device launching the HR Vivotech

Garmin renews its Vivotech device launching the HR Vivotech

If there is any specialized brand that’s known for their Smartwatches then it is Garmin. Currently on the market offers a large number of quantifiers devices that allow us to monitor our physical activities at all time, whether we are running, walking, or doing anything else … For these activities we can buy any quantifying bracelet without spending any more then 300 euros.

If you really want to take seriously the activity you do, the Garmin devices are the best in this regard. Garmin currently on the market offers several products that allow us to monitor at all times the exercise we do. But they have never been complete until all Garmin has released the update to its flagship device, the Garmin Vivotech HR.The firm has just introduced the Garmin Vivotech HR, with a completely renovated design that offers a lot of features into a compact device, in thickness. This new model incorporates an optical sensor for heart rate as major news. The Garmin HR Vivotech shows incoming calls, text messages, emails, calendar alerts in addition to quantifying the steps at all times, the calories we burned and monitor sleep to add some other features.

Unlike other models, the battery of this model allows us to forget about charging for at least 8 days without using the GPS. If we make extensive use of it, the battery will provide us with a range of 13 hours. Another innovation found in this model is the automatic detection of physical activity we do, so we will not have to establish on our device to properly quantify that, as offered by the new Fitbit, it presented a few weeks ago.

Another novelty of Garmin Vivotech HR is that it allows the floors ups, function already available in some smartphones. But it also allows us to classify, the minutes have been dedicated to a more intense physical activity. Garmin offers an app for iOS and Android where all data are synchronized with your device. If you are interested in having this new Garmin then you will have to wait until the month of April and pay $ 250. The device is sold in black color, but can purchase optional straps in white, red and yellow colors to customize it according to your tastes.

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