home Technology Build your own Game Boy with Raspberry Pi

Build your own Game Boy with Raspberry Pi

The thing about Raspberry Pi that really attracts me that with that you can do so many amazing things.

We have seen hundreds of creations : from tablets, cameras action, wearables, computers to little ones learn to program based on Raspberry Pi mini-refrigerators and even converted into Game Boy, fully functional.

A Game Boy, but much more powerful

Precisely Game Boy is this project with the Raspberry Pi 2 having us from Adafruit and have called PIGRRL 2, since it is the second and improved version after they did some time ago.

As always, people of Adafruit gives us all chewed, detailing every step and every component for finishing the project 100%.

As you see in the video and in the pieces, if we have access to a 3D printer then we will be making a perfect job as a cover, but if not, you can always pull your ability to do something more traditional.

Raspberry Pi and the Internet of things

The Raspberry Pi also plays a prominent role in developing the Internet of Things, as many developers using the platform to create connected devices. Even Samsung knows the pull of the Raspberry Pi, so has carried a version of its Tizen operating system to try to give it a push.

Recently knew the Raspberry Pi Zero, smaller yet and for brutal price of $ 5, although it is difficult to find available time. Such plates are not unique, of course, have seen similar components as OrangePi or stronger alternatives.

Project:  PIGRRL 2

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