Skywall 100: Intelligent Anti-drone Bazooka

Drones are increasingly common in today’s time. And so authorities are seeking a sort of “balance” between personal rights and security to leave satisfied all parties. But what at first seems to be a civil problem, now receives a military solution. All thanks to the system Skywall 100. It’s a  bazooka equipped with a smart look. The main …

Samsung will debut eSIM in their Samsung Gear S2

During the month of March, Samsung will debut a new model with 3G connectivity on your smartwatch, the Samsung Gear S2 in its Classic version. This will also be the world’s first device that will use the eSIM call, a programmable, electronic devices and included in the physical SIM card replacement. eSIM specifications and characteristics …

Technology companies join forces for the privacy of users

Apple is an important part in any type of media news. But this time it is not in the news because they have launched a groundbreaking device or have set a new record, but by something quite different: face US government to protect the privacy of users above all. And when I say “above all” …

Build your own Game Boy with Raspberry Pi

The thing about Raspberry Pi that really attracts me that with that you can do so many amazing things. We have seen hundreds of creations : from tablets, cameras action, wearables, computers to little ones learn to program based on Raspberry Pi mini-refrigerators and even converted into Game Boy, fully functional. A Game Boy, but much …