home News Google DeepMind Health, the project Google to improve health care

Google DeepMind Health, the project Google to improve health care

A couple of years ago Google bought DeepMind, a company dedicated to artificial intelligence in video games founded by specialists and neuroscientists. A company that may be familiar to very few, but until Google CEO himself took part in the negotiations. Finally they could be with the company for a value of 400 million dollars in order to better develop the world of artificial intelligence.

Today we met a new project of the American company: DeepMind Health. The world of medicine and technology is of great importance today, health is paramount to our society and the better idea is to rely on technology to advance medicine. To do this they have released two applications: Hark and Streams.

Streams helps identify patients at risk

Stream is an application designed to detect patients with risk for disease. Numerous studies indicate that about 25% of kidney diseases could be prevented if it had made ​​proper monitoring of various bio-medical parameters. What this application gives us? Now doctors will have immediate access to the results of blood tests how well the entire health process is accelerated after learning the results. The data are organized by patients, and higher priority is given to those most at risk; The doctor can also send notes to their patients.

Hark will save unnecessary paperwork

Once you have been able to identify the disease or its future appearance then Hark comes into play. This application will allow to shorten and notes, paperwork and unnecessary tests will be eliminated. This application has already been tested in a London hospital and doctors could treat 37% faster.

Google is betting big on the fusion between technology and medicine, something that is very positive. We must wait to see how this project DeepMind Health evolves. And you, what do you think of these two applications?

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