Yahoo is about to go on sale

I still remember when Yahoo was one of the leaders if not the only search engine that could be used to find information on the Internet. But many years have passed since then and the arrival of Google and not knowing how to adapt to the needs of users has caused the company to go …

Google DeepMind Health, the project Google to improve health care

A couple of years ago Google bought DeepMind, a company dedicated to artificial intelligence in video games founded by specialists and neuroscientists. A company that may be familiar to very few, but until Google CEO himself took part in the negotiations. Finally they could be with the company for a value of 400 million dollars …

Google already allows you to export your data to Dropbox and OneDrive

You may not know it, but exporting your data services from Google is easier than you thought, this thanks to a tool available in the administration of my account, which allows you to select different services and other data to export; from information such as contacts, emails and profile information to YouTube content, photos and images …