home Technology Samsung will debut eSIM in their Samsung Gear S2

Samsung will debut eSIM in their Samsung Gear S2

During the month of March, Samsung will debut a new model with 3G connectivity on your smartwatch, the Samsung Gear S2 in its Classic version. This will also be the world’s first device that will use the eSIM call, a programmable, electronic devices and included in the physical SIM card replacement. eSIM specifications and characteristics have been properly accepted by all drivers bodies so they can be used in devices such as smartwatches, tablets and more.

The main advantage of eSIM is that it is not tied to any operator so we can socialize and make changes without waiting for the new SIM card. Manufacturers also can leave a little more room for battery or other hardware as the slot for the SIM card can be removed. Another major advantage is that the devices linked to eSIM not be at all dependent on any phone, since they will have their own individual data network connection.

The eSIM open up a whole new range of possibilities in the world of telephony. With what little like telephone companies give facilities to carry the lines, this will be the last straw for them. Meanwhile, eSIM not been approved for smartphones, this approval is expected in June this year. Meanwhile, Samsung, LG and Huawei have strongly supported this new technology and ensure that included in its upcoming devices. To conventional SIM cards is coming.

Meanwhile, large company like Apple is silent, especially because you use your own SIM card programmable iPads, although certainly take advantage of the pull of eSIM.

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