home Technology Volvo wants to say goodbye to the car keys, better use your mobile phone

Volvo wants to say goodbye to the car keys, better use your mobile phone

Volvo recently presented a stunning car like the new V90, but still has time to play with technology and leverages the Mobile World Congress to show some of them. At the event in Barcelona, a few cars that do not need to enter key is brought.

Okay, that’s not new, in recent years we have found many ways to implement the idea, but no means to our mobile phone and Bluetooth connectivity thereof. Farewell to the keys, now it is to be managed with a mobile application.

It’s an idea they want to implement this year in rental cars, to become commonplace in the new cars sold the following year.

Volvo wants to be the first manufacturer to offer this as an option because the key will always be present for that need, and we can run out of battery in the phone. With this system there are things that earn instantly, such as creating more keys for more vehicle users (permission would be given to other phones with that application).

Since the application can be made ​​much more than opening doors, and start the vehicle and air conditioning remotely, recognize the profile of the person who will be using at the time and adapt the vehicle to it.

We would like to know more about the technology used, for now just know that is based on the Bluetooth standard. We will have to wait till Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to know more about it.

It is very interesting, the idea proposed with rental cars or shared can detect via GPS where the vehicle is, thanks to the permission can be given through the application to open it when we get to it.

If it is a model of payments related to use, user information would be completely controlled by this system. The idea is similar to the system Maven presented by General Motors earlier this year.

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